Sunday, November 30, 2008

BELL: The Business Ethics Links Library

BELL: The Business Ethics Links Library is from the business school library at the University of Colorado at Boulder. While the database is ongoing and growing, there are also links to other web resources, including lists of related journals, business school programs, nonprofit organizations, and other relevant resources.
"BELL is a comprehensive starting point for research in corporate ethics and social responsibility. The database provides access to codes of ethics for U.S. companies and trade and professional associations, ethics sites at college and university business programs, industry information resources, and company promotion of social responsibility covering such topics as arts assistance, environmental clean up, charitable giving and community programming."

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Analyst reports through LexisNexis

Analyst reports (aka broker reports or investment reports) can be valuable resources when researching a publicly-held company. These company reports are written by firms such as Oppenheimer, William Blair, and Gabelli, to provide information for current and potential investors. The bottomline is the buy, hold, or sell recommendation for the stock, along with estimates of future performance. The reports are focused on financial and stock performance but also often include a good discussion of strategic direction and current issues affecting the company. Report length can range from 1-10 pages or more.

To access investment reports through the USF LexisNexis Academic subscription:
From the opening screen, click on the "business" tab at the top; and then "company profiles" on the left. On this search screen, type in the ticker symbol of the company you are researching and under "sources", scroll down and select "Investext Current Reports". You should be returned the two most current reports available for your company.

Analyst reports are also currently available through the Investext Plus database and the Business and Company Resource Center database.

New Books in Business and Economics, USFSP Nov 10-21, 2008

New BUSINESS and ECONOMICS books in the Poynter Library, USF-St Petersburg
(in LC Call Number order, HB-HJ only)
November 10-21, 2008

The following new business and economics books are kept on the “New Books” cart on the first floor in the library for a few weeks, and then moved to the circulating collection on the second floor, unless checked out…

The credit crunch : housing bubbles, globalisation and the worldwide economic crisis / Graham Turner.
HB3722 .T87 2008

How rich countries got rich ... and why poor countries stay poor / Erik Reinert.
HC21 .R425 2007

The global economic system since 1945 / Larry Allen.
HC54 .A56 2005

Development redefined : how the market met its match / Robin Broad and John Cavanagh.
HC59.7 .B68846 2009

Unequal democracy : the political economy of the new gilded age / Larry M. Bartels.
HC106.5 .B347 2008

Green : your place in the new energy revolution / Jane Hoffman and Michael Hoffman.
HC110.E5 H625 2008

All the money in the world : how the Forbes 400 make-- and spend--their fortunes / edited by Peter W. Bernstein and Annalyn Swan.
HC110.W4 A436 2007

The new elite : inside the minds of the truly wealthy / Jim Taylor, Doug Harrison, and Stephen Kraus.
HC110.W4 T39 2009

Russia and globalization : identity, security, and society in an era of change / edited by Douglas W. Blum
HC340.12 R828 2008

Myanmar (Burma) since 1962 : the failure of development / Peter John Perry.
HC422 .P466 2007

The art of strategy : a game theorist's guide to success in business & life /Avinash K. Dixit, Barry J. Nalebuff.
HD30.28 .D587 2008

Getting it right : business requirement analysis tools and techniques / Kathleen B. Hass, Don J. Wessels, Kevin Brennan.
HD30.28 .H3824 2008

Philanthro-capitalism : how the rich can save the world / Matthew Bishop & Michael Green.
HD60.B52 2008

The search for social entrepreneurship / Paul C. Light.
HD60 .L544 2008

The entrepreneur's guide to writing business plans and proposals / K. Dennis Chambers.
HD62.5 .C423 2008

The agrarian dispute : the expropriation of American-owned rural land in postrevolutionary Mexico / John J. Dwyer.
HD1333.M6 D99 2008

The coolie speaks : Chinese indentured laborers and African slaves in Cuba / Lisa Yun.
HD4875.C9 Y86 2008

Demanding work : the paradox of job quality in the affluent economy / Francis Green.
HD6955 .G717 2006

Guanxi and business strategy : theory and implications for multinational companies in China / Eike A. Langenberg.
HD6957.C6 .L36 2007

America's food : what you don't know about what you eat / Harvey Blatt.
HD9005 .B628 2008

The banana : empires, trade wars, and globalization / James Wiley.
HD9259.B2 W52 2008

Energy security and climate change : a report to the Trilateral commission / John Deutch, Anne Lauvergeon, Widhyawan Prawiraatmadja.
HD9502.A2 D456 2007

Rising powers, shrinking planet : the new geopolitics of energy / Michael T. Klare.
HD9502.A2 K524 2008

Hell's cartel : IG Farben and the making of Hitler's war machine / Diarmuid Jeffreys.
HD9654.9.I5 J44 2008

Reasonable Rx : solving the drug price crisis / Stan Finkelstein, Peter Temin.
HD9666.4 .F55 2008

Planet Google : one company's audacious plan to organize everything we know / Randall Stross.
HD9696.8.U64 G667 2008

The Warhol economy : how fashion, art, and music drive New York City / Elizabeth Currid.
HD9999.C9473 N49 2007

The Official guide for GMAT review / from the Graduate Management Admission Council.
HF1118 .O33 2005

International political economy : an intellectual history / Benjamin J. Cohen.
HF1359 .C643 2008

International trade and labor standards : a proposal for linkage / Christian Barry and Sanjay G. Reddy.
HF1379 .B375 2008

New frontiers in free trade : globalization's future and Asia's rising role / Razeen Sally.
HF1714 .S25 2008

Accounting information systems : essential concepts and applications / Joseph W. Wilkinson, Michael J. Cerullo.
HF5679 .W523 1997

Wall Street : America's dream palace / Steve Fraser.
HG172.A2 F72 2008

Debating China's exchange rate policy / Morris Goldstein, Nicholas R. Lardy, editors.
HG3978 .D43 2008

The partnership : the making of Goldman Sachs / Charles D. Ellis.
HG4930.5 .E45 2008

A more complete list of new books at the Poynter Library can be found here.

Please let me know if there are any particular publications that you would like to see in the library collection....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

LIFE and Google Image

Many of you have likely used Google Image when searching for photos or pictures to include in your presentations or other projects. And the collection keeps growing.... Google and LIFE magazine just announced the "LIFE photo archive hosted by Google".
"Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today. Most were never published and are now available for the first time through the joint work of LIFE and Google."
(Actually, it looks like the archive currently ends around 1980 but there are some wonderful images...)

You can search the LIFE photo archive directly, or, when running a standard Google Image Search, add the phrase "source:life" to limit your search to the collection.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Research from the GAO - Government Accounting Office

Many U.S. government departments and agencies publish reports which are often overlooked as a source for business research. The GAO is one such example....

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an independent, non-partisan agency known as "the investigative arm of Congress" and "the congressional watchdog." The GAO conducts research and analysis at the request of congressional committees or as mandated by public law. Reports are available on topics such as homeland security, healthcare, energy, environmental protection, financial institutions, and tax policy and administration. You can search or browse these reports by date, topic, or agency.

As an example of GAO research, one report from September 9, 2008, entitled "Private Equity: Recent Growth in Leveraged Buyouts Exposed Risks That Warrant Continued Attention", is available as a 133-page PDF report.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kauffman Firm Survey - "the largest longitudinal survey of new businesses in the world"

For students and researchers interested in entrepreneurship and new businesses in the U.S., the Kauffman Firm Survey is "the largest longitudinal survey of news businesses in the world."

"The Kauffman Firm Survey (KFS) is a panel study of 4,928 businesses founded in 2004 and tracked over their early years of operation. The survey focuses on the nature of new business formation activity; characteristics of the strategy, offerings, and employment patterns of new businesses; the nature of the financial and organizational arrangements of these businesses; and the characteristics of their founders.

Currently, data from the baseline survey, first, and second follow-up surveys are available for analysis. The third follow-up data will be released in spring 2009."

Analyses and reports using Kauffman survey data are available through the SSRN, Social Science Research Network, to which USF subscribes. You can also download a full report (PDF) of the baseline and first follow-up survey from March 2008.

Monday, November 10, 2008

New database "Global Road Warrior"

USF now subscribes to the database "Global Road Warrior" - a useful resource for international business travel and etiquette. Here's the announcement:
Global Road Warrior is a resource from World Trade Press, a publisher that focuses on international trade, business relations, and business travel. The intent of Global Road Warrior is to foster international commerce and understanding by serving as practical and comprehensive reference tool. Taking a country by country approach, researchers can drill down to an array of content that ranges from content that can be easily found elsewhere such as facts about the country, climate, and geography to content that is uniquely contained within this resource. This unique content includes business etiquette in a country; stereotypes of the country as accepted by foreigners and stereotypes as accepted by the country; information specific to women on the “global road”; information on street crime, organized crime, and social unrest; typical food within the country; religious practices; language; lifecycles; and much more. While an invaluable tool for international business and marketing, this resource could prove useful in sociology, anthropology, women’s studies and more.

For this database and other library resources visit Click on Databases by Title/Subject to begin.

New Books in Business and Economics, USFSP

New BUSINESS and ECONOMICS books in the Poynter Library, USF-St Petersburg (in LC Call Number order, HB-HJ only)
October 27 – November 7, 2008

The following new business and economics books (includes recent donations) are kept on the “New Books” cart on the first floor in the library for a few weeks, and then moved to the circulating collection on the second floor, unless checked out…

The philosophy of economics : an anthology / edited by Daniel M. Hausman.
HB71 .P53 2008

Macroeconomics : principles, problems, and policies / Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue.
HB171.5 .M473 2005

Microeconomics : an integrated approach / David A. Besanko, Ronald R. Braeutigam.
HB172 .B49 2002

Intermediate microeconomics : a modern approach / Hal R. Varian.
HB172 .V34 1993

Dangerous business : the risks of globalization for America / Pat Choate.
HC103 .C49 2008

The structure of American industry / Walter Adams, James W. Brock, editors.
HC106 .S85 2001

Blue-collar blues : is trade to blame for rising US income inequality? / Robert Z. Lawrence.
HC110.I5 L346 2008

Managerial economics : applications, strategy, and tactics / James R. McGuigan, R. Charles Moyer, Frederick H. deB. Harris.
HD30.22 .M32 2002

Managerial economics : theory, applications, and cases / Edwin Mansfield ... [et al.].
HD30.22 .M354 2002

Managerial economics in a global economy / Dominick Salvatore.
HD30.22 .S247 2004

Outsourcing sovereignty : why privatization of government functions threatens democracy and what we can do about it / Paul R. Verkuil.
HD3861.U6 V47 2007

Labor economics / George J. Borjas.
HD4901 .B674 1996

Illegal people : how globalization creates migration and criminalizes immigrants / David Bacon.
HD8081.A5 B33 2008

Yali's question : sugar, culture, and history / Frederick Errington & Deborah Gewertz ; with a foreword by Anthony T. Carter.
HD9116.P264 R353 2004

Night fire : big oil, poison air, and Margie Richard's fight to save her town / Ronnie Greene.
HD9568.N67 G74 2008

Business statistics demystified / Steven M. Kemp, Sid Kemp.
HF1017 .K43 2004

Children and consumer culture in American society : a historical handbook and guide / edited by Lisa Jacobson.
HF5415.33.U6 C53 2008

Offshore outsourcing of IT work : client and supplier perspectives / Mary C. Lacity and Joseph W. Rottman.
HF5548.2 .L228 2008

Ben Bernanke's Fed : the Federal Reserve after Greenspan / Ethan S. Harris.
HG2563 .H34 2008

A more complete list of new books at the Poynter Library can be found here.

Please let me know if there are any particular publications that you would like to see in the library collection. Thank you,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

An LED-based communication network...

Some interesting possibilities for wireless communications from Cellular News in "Lightbulbs Could Replace Wi-Fi Hotspots":
"­Boston University's College of Engineering is launching a program, under a National Science Foundation grant, to develop the next generation of wireless communications technology based on visible light instead of radio waves. Researchers expect to piggyback data communications capabilities on low-power light emitting diodes, or LEDs, to create "Smart Lighting" that would be faster and more secure than current network technology."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

U.S. Census Bureau - Manufacturing, Mining and Construction Reports

Most USFSP business students are familiar with the American Fact Finder database from the U.S. Census Bureau for locating general demographic, social and economic characteristics of the U.S. population. The MCD - Manufacturing and Construction Division - is another division of the U.S. Census Bureau with a wealth of statistics for business research projects. Here you'll find construction statistics such as new residential permits and sales, the Construction Price Index, and Characteristics of New Housing (e.g., square footage, number of bathrooms, etc.). You'll also find manufacturing statistics such as the CIR-Current Industrial Reports, which provide monthly, quarterly, and annual production and shipment data on selected products manufactured in the U.S. (textiles, paints, aircraft engines, etc.) Government statistics are essential starting points for most industry and marketing research.

Monday, November 3, 2008

"Green" MBA Programs...

NetImpact published its third annual "Business as UNusual Guide", which surveys students and then profiles and rates MBA programs on social and environmental themes. has a brief article about the report, which is over 200 pages (and free).