New BUSINESS and ECONOMICS books in the Poynter Library, USF-St Petersburg (in LC Call Number order, HB-HJ only)
January 12 - 30, 2009
The following new business and economics books are kept on the “New Books” cart on the first floor in the library for a few weeks, and then moved to the circulating collection on the second floor, unless checked out…
(Also, please note the DATES of publications – many are donations)Density-related public costs / American Farmland Trust.
HB1953 A4 1986
Population movements, conflicts, and displacements in Nigeria / edited by Toyin Falola and Okpeh Ochayi Okpeh, Jr.
HB2126.7.A3 P67 2008
State of the world : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society.
HC59 .S766 2009
Appalachian aspirations : the geography of urbanization and development in the Upper Tennessee River Valley, 1865-1900 / John Benhart Jr.
HC107.A135 B46 2007
Survey team final reports / Biscayne Bay Partnership Initiative.
HC107.F53 B572
A bright, great bay / Biscayne Bay Partnership Initiative, Policy Development Committee.
HC107.F63 E525 2001
Vault career guide to consulting / Laura Walker Chung, Eric Chung and the staff of Vault.
HD69.C6 C478 2007
Principles of geographical information systems for land resources assessment / P.A. Burrough.
HD108.15 .B87 1986
Unstoppable : Finding hidden assets to renew the core and fuel profitable growth / edited by Chris Zook.
HD2746 .Z664 2007
My life and the ICU; the autobiography of a Black trade unionist in South Africa / edited, with an introduction by Stanley Trapido.
HD8799.S73 K33 1970
Minerals yearbook. Volume III, Latin America and Canada : Area reports: international.
HD9506.L29 M56 2002
South Africa's city of diamonds : mine workers and monopoly capitalism in Kimberley, 1867-1895 / William H. Worger.
HD9677.S63 K568 1987
Historia de la navegación en la Ciudad de México / Carlos J. Sierra.
HE636.Z7 M497 1996
Selling ASAP : art, science, agility, performance / Eli Jones, Carl Stevens, Larry Chonko.
HF5438.25 .J658 2005
Human resource management / Gary Dessler.
HF5549 .D4379 2005
Long-term financial planning : creative strategies for local government / edited by Jeffrey I. Chapman.
HJ275 .L66 1987
A more complete list of new books at the Poynter Library can be found
Please let me know if there are any particular publications that you would like to see in the library collection. Thank you,