Friday, January 25, 2008

Wikis and blogs in the business classroom

"Teaching Business in a Web 2.0 World" in the January/February 2008 issue of BizEd looks at using wikis (and blogs and social networking sites, to a lesser extent) in the Entrepreneurship classes at the University of Arizona. Wikis provides students with a tool to work collaboratively on large class projects with other team members, professors, and mentors in the business community. One class is using Wikii Spaces software and Google office applications; another class is using PBWiki and Microsoft Office appliations. Web 2.0 technologies such as wikis are said to be important tools that business students must learn to be prepared for the workforce and a knowledge-driven economy.

In the same issue of BizEd, a brief article "Bringing Virtual Worlds to Business School" introduces an initiative at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University to explore the use of ProtoSphere, a virtual world software tool of ProtonMedia. According to Fuqua's Associate Dean for Information Technology, "the school hopes to learn not just how the software can be used for education, but also how virtual worlds and social networks will affect business interactions."
(In the world of Web 2.0 tools, the use of virtual world software (such as Second Life) is much more in the exploratory stages....)

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